Thursday, November 4, 2010

We're Married and...

Well, as most of you know, Matt and I are finally married. And surprise! We also celebrated our 2 year marriage anniversary in October. I suppose I should explain this to everyone who didn't know at this point, since the family is in on it now. 

See, before Matt and I deployed back in 2008, we had already decided to get engaged with the intention of sharing the rest of our lives with one another. And, after much discussion, Matt and I agreed that it was best to make this commitment prior to our deployments. This would also allow us to be sent back to the U.S. to be with one another if one of us was injured while serving. So, long story short, we were married on October 10th, 2008. SURPRISE! The May 15, 2010 wedding was always in the plans, as we really wanted to share this commitment with our family and friends. 

Married life has been wonderful thus far, even the 14 months we spent apart. It has made us stronger and more committed to one another and to our faith in God. As we celebrated our 2 year marriage anniversary, we were blessed once again, with the news that we were going to be parents. Now granted, this was not a huge surprise as we had been planning somewhat, but after a few months, it was delightful news.  So that is surprise number 2! Have we shocked you yet?!

So to sum up this first post, Matt and I have been married for 2 years and WE'RE PREGNANT! Therefore, we're starting a blog to share all our updates and exciting news! Welcome to Baby Bowerman Countdown to June 10, 2011!!!!!

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